Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hemorrhoids - Rid Yourself! 10 Proven Hemorrhoids Remedies!

Here's a helpful list of the top 10 hemorrhoid remedies that have been proven to help get rid of piles:

1) Horse Chestnut - has properties that help to increase blood flow and firm up the tissues in the surrounding areas. It's also a very powerful anti inflamatory so is good at soothing and calming the whole area.

It's not adviseable to use it if you have any problems with your liver and/or kidneys and definitely not if you're pregnant of breastfeeding.

2) To stop itching and painful hemorrhoids (is there any other type!) try mixing baptisia extract and lobelia equally with some zinc sulphate and water, and use it by soaking some cotton wool and cleaning the area with it.

3) A do-it-yourself version of preparation h can be made by mixing sulphur into a suspension of vaseline. It's a good pain relief - very soothing.

4) Pat the area with some cotton wool soaked in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti septic properties and is also good at naturally constricting the blood flow.

5) If your suffering with bleeding hemorrhoids then you can stop the bleeding by drinking a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal. You can also apply it neat to the area using cotton wool.

6) Doctors can offer thermotherapy - this is very good for shrinking the hemorrhoids.

7) Another solution that can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids is a spoonful of alum mixed with water.

8) If you don't fancy drinking the apple cider vinegar tincture then you could try doing the same but using cayenne pepper instead for the same result.

9) Echinacea, directly applied is an effective remedy to relieve itching and pain.

10) Mix equal quantities of lard and calomel and use directly as a cream.

These should relief the symptoms of your hemorrhoids but in order to be free of them for good then a far more in depth program needs to be done.

To find out more about hemorrhoids visit

Hemorrhoids Rid

Sunday 20 September 2009

Piles Relief - What's The Answer?

Hemorrhoids, now and again names piles, can frequently be a agonizing state, and unfortunately, also a rather familiar one that affects both men and women. Hemorrhoids are in reality swollen veins that have been expanded under stress and might build up due to weakened tissue close by the anus and rectum.

Once you experience from this agonizing situation, you are more apt to search for any kinds of information which will help you find out how to come to grips with hemorrhoids and get fast reprieve. Now you will find a few beneficial things that you can do when you search for the reprieve of such sore conditions as hemorrhoids:

- To begin with check with your doctor for information about hemorrhoids and for their recommendations as they are informed of your health history and could have extra care options you aren’t aware of.

- Do some research and gain knowledge of what could trigger or even increase the condition of piles. Some people have recurring problems with piles. You need to be aware of what you can do to inhibit the return of hemorrhoids.

- Resist the familiar desire of overusing topical hemorrhoid creams as while they do greatly help to reduce symptoms, too much tends to aggravate the condition resulting in even further discomfort, and none of these creams are capable of really treating the origin of the trouble.

- To prevent piles from blood loss, tenderly wash the area with apple cider vinegar, and for respite from itching, smarting, and distress, check out witch hazel or a mix of petroleum jelly and sulfur applied with cotton swabs or alcohol-free, scent-free infant wipes.

- Horse chestnut is helpful as an herbal extra, since it improves blood flow, that will help toughen the connecting tissues surrounding a damaged vein that can become a hemorrhoid. It will also help in reducing the redness and inflammation of piles.

- Avoid the distress and pain of hemorrhoids by keeping the area clean. However, take care not to inflame the area by over washing and do not use powerful soaps. Rinsing the region well and scrupulously is advantageous as well.

- Incorporate a day by day exercise workout, to help increase your overall good health, whilst avoiding the sitting upon any hard surface for a extensive time.

- You could retain softer stools while drinking a lot of water every day. Don't forget to incorporate fiber-rich foods into your daily plan, such as a load of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

One of the very most vital things you may do to improve yourself when it comes to coping with hemorrhoids is to rest and aim not to stress or be concerned about having them. Hemorrhoids are regularly connected with the elderly or with expectant women, but the reality is that anybody can be affected by them at any time, and having them is without doubt nothing to be self-conscious about.

Piles could be incredibly painful and they can be upsetting as well; however, you are not on your own in this struggle to feel well again. They are a interim setback and they could go away on their own. With just a tiny effort on your side, you can never have to handle piles for a second time. They are not a dangerous health hazard even though they may feel like they are help is available.

Find out more about PILES RELIEF Now

Monday 27 July 2009

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

When someone is afflicted with piles they generally ask how long do hemorrhoids last? An attack of piles is undoubtedly one of the most terrible afflictions you can go through. When you're in agony it's understood that you need to know where the light at the end of the tunnel is.

The irony of having piles is that besides them being a common affliction it's one of the least spoken about problem so finding the correct information can be problematic when asking "how long do hemorrhoids last?"

The aim of this article is to give the answers that you've been searching for, hopefully it does just that. You should be aware of a few points with regards to hemorrhoids. Often hemorrhoids merely clear up of their own accord after a few days whilst some get worse and worse until the sufferer ends up facing invasive surgery believing that is the only option. As you can see the answer to the question of "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is not something that can be answered in a few lines. To give you a better idea you need to asses the severity of your condition. If they've appeared suddenly, maybe after an unusual bout of constipation possibly from taking short term medication, then they'll quite possibly go as quickly as they've arrived once your system has got back to it's natural balance. The standard healing time is all that's needed to let the internal swellings go down. Generally, this type of attack should pass in about seven to forteen days.

If you've got thrombosed or prolapsed piles then you're going to be looking at a far more lengthy recovery time. These types of hemorrhoids are just about as bad as it gets, and it goes without saying that they are the most painful. Surgery really is a desperate action and the decision to go forward shouldn't be taken lightly as it's not as easy as it appears. Recovery time after the surgery is lengthy and by no means without pain often showing to be more painful than the hemorrhoids. Unfortunately it doesn't stop there, once you've had this type of hemorrhoid there's a high chance that you'll be facing the surgeons knife again in the future.

Once piles become thrombosed or prolapsed you could be given the following choices.
Rubber Band Ligation - a procedure where a rubber band is tied round the hemorrhoids to cut off the supply of blood and shrivel it up. Not the most pleasant of treatments and results are not readily seen for approximately a fortnight

Another procedure is infrared coagulation. This treatment is commonly used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It's purpose is to stop blood from getting to the pile. On a positive note this procedure is relatively pain free and requires a few trips to the doctors. It'll may be several weeks before you feel any form of soothing.

Hemorrhoidectomy - This is the most invasive and brutal treatment of all and is done under a general anaesthetic by a surgeon. Healing time is a long (typically up to two months). The hemorrhoids are basically cut off in this procedure.

This article is quite a long answer to "how long do hemorrhoids last?" but as you can now tell, it's not a black and white answer and has only covered conventional medicines.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Piles

Even though the majority of us have internal hemorrhoids, only a fairly small percentage of us don't suffer from their effects at some time in their lives. Once you have the problem, to get rid of piles can be quite tricky and the only way is to get deep down to the root cause in order to get rid of piles for good.

It's almost certain that certain aspects of your lifestyle will need to be modified. Fast foods that are low in fibre and lacking in essential vitamins and minerals are a big culprit. Parts of the World where people eat more cereal based diets don't tend to fall victims of hemorrhoids.
We don't have to sacrifice the odd take away and completely live on cereals but what we can do is to reduce the intake balance of certain culprit foods and up the levels of the foods that will keep our systems working healthily and regularly. Bowel movements will be slower if you have a high intake of proteins such as meat, so reducing the amount you eat will help to keep the bowel moving more regularly. A lack of water in the diet is a big reason for stools to become hard, so make sure you drink plenty, especially if the weather is hot.

A good starting point when you're trying to get rid of piles is a good colon cleanse. Laxatives can be very harsh on the bodies system as opposed to colon cleansers that will eliminate waste far more thoroughly and gently . It's been said that the average adult carries anything between four and thirty pounds of faeces in their bowels. Clearing that away not only freshens up the system but can help eliminate other unpleasant side effects like bad breath and stomach cramps. Laxatives should only be short term fixes if you're really suffering from constipation as prolonged use could lead to the muscles of the intestines to become weakened and redundant. Laxatives could reduce the bowels ability to work for itself which could result in you becoming laxative dependent.

It's really easy to add foods that are fibre rich into your everyday life to keep your bowels moving regularly. Try eating cereal and drinking fruit juice in the morning for breakfast instead of eggs, bacon and coffee. Snacking on grapes and raspberries instead of stodgy biscuits and cakes provides the body with the fibre, vitamins and minerals needed to keep the digestive tract in tip top condition. Fatty foods are a huge culprit in causing digestive problems so avoid cheese and fried foods where possible. Replace fries with a jacket potato instead and eat the skin as this contains the majority of the fibre and vitamins.

Following a good program can get rid of piles permanently even if you're piles are so bad that you're facing surgery, it is possible to turn that situation round if you want to. Although the surgery will get rid of piles, it doesn't guarantee that you won't have another attack as it's not addressing the root cause. As surgery doesn't address the cause of the piles in the first place you could well find yourself in the position of having to have more surgery in the future.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

What Are The Colon Cleanse Benefits Of Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Piles?

There are many ways that we have used, and still do use, in order to care for our colons but the natural way to colon cleanse benefits far outweigh the conventional routes by far in the search to get rid of piles.

We could make the comparison of our bodies to be like finely tuned performance cars. Beautifully built and attention given to every tiny detail. Unfortunately, we tend for our performance cars a lot differently to our bodies though. We neglect our bodies needs because generally our bodies are amazingly resilient, far more so than the performance car that is possibly the pride and joy of our lives.

Unlike the car we forget to check our bodies and neglect them. We eat foods that are low in fibre and essential vitamins and minerals and we fill ourselves with coffee and beer and as a result, our bodies suffer. One of the most common ways in which a body suffers is in the bowel and as a secondary symptom we often suffer from hemorrhoids otherwise known as piles.
As our cars like long journeys our bodies do not as the pressures exerted when sitting for long periods of time contribute to sluggish bowel movements and the development of piles through the sluggish bowel movements and the pressure of sitting down.

As we would choose to use a top grade oil for our performance cars, so more and more people are realising the colon cleanse benefits of natural remedies when they are endeavouring to get rid of piles. These herbal remedies are strong enough to cleanse the bowel completely yet gentle enough so that they don’t cause any nasty stomach cramps and diarrhoea like the conventional laxatives tend to do.

They can easily be carried around in handbags and briefcases so they fit into our busy lifestyles comfortably and discretely. Natural remedies also prove to be cost effective too as they tend to work out cheaper than prescription medicines and more importantly, they don’t have any nasty side effects.

One thing is for sure, neglecting our colons can lead to the need to get rid of piles. Once you have piles, if you leave them untreated then they could get so bad that you may, one day, end up facing surgery, however even this invasive method doesn’t prevent further attacks in the future.
To get rid of piles needs a two pronged effect of taking a serious look at what the colon cleanse benefits are in the process. This really has to be the starting point and the foundation to a successful cure.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

5 Treatment For Hemorrhoids Tips

Just finished creating another Squidoo lens. Thought I'd give some practical advice on treatment for hemorrhoids as not everyone is at home and may find getting out of discomfort difficult when they'r at work.

As always I've tried to keep the cost for the treatments I've listed as low as possible. We don't want to have discomfort in the bank balance as well :)

Anyway, if you'd like 5 really practical tips that you can implement everyday at very little to no cost then check out the new lens for further info here or you can find even more helpful tips and advice for the ultimate cure by visiting the main site, Hemorrhoids Cures.