Thursday 28 May 2009

Treatment For Hemorrhoids........Check Out This Google Knol

Friday 22 May 2009

Bleeding Piles Are A Living Hell

These have got to be the mother of curses. The effects of seeing blood in the toilet and on the paper is one of the most shocking experiences one can suffer.
Rather than resigning yourself you surgery, take a look at this squidoo lens before making your decision. I’m not saying that you should rule surgery out, just simply saying that there are alternatives. If you’ve got bleeding hemorrhoids you’ve nothing to lose by checking it out have you?
Here’s the link:
There’s some really good tips and moral support for you…..Enjoy!

Monday 18 May 2009

Have Got Got Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

The most obvious symptom of bleeding hemorrhoids is the appearance of blood on the toilet tissue and probably in the water as well after passing a stool. The key thing to remember if this happens to you is not to panic. Establish if the blood is bright red or dark, maroonish in colour. If it's bright red then this would suggest that it has originated in the lower part of the rectum and is almost certainly due to hemorrhoids. If however the blood is darkish in colour then you must get this checked out by a medical professional to be on the safe side.

Bleeding hemorrhoids are caused by internal hemorrhoids that has become swollen and bulbous, usually a hard, bulky stool has ruptured the fragile vein walls of the hemorrhoids and caused them to rupture and bleed.

Take comfort in the knowledge that the majority of people in the western world have internal hemorrhoids, it's only when they become inflammed that they become aware of their presence and they become a problem.

If you have bleeding hemorrhoids they must be treated, you can't just bury your head in the sand and assume that they'll just disappear of their own accord. If left untreated they can lead to thrombosed hemorrhoids which protrude out of the anus, are extremely painful and sore and often lead to sufferers opting for surgery which in itself is an ordeal to say the least.

There are ways that surgery or other intrusive treatments can be avoided even if you're a chronic hemorrhoid sufferer. More and more people are turning away from conventional medicines and looking into hemorrhoids home remedies, some of which are even being endorsed by doctors who are now acknowledging just how powerful these programs can be. There have been reports that sufferers have found instant relief and complete cures from bleeding hemorrhoids within days.

Friday 15 May 2009

How Do You Know If You've Got Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

The most obvious symptom of bleeding hemorrhoids is the sufferer will notice that there's evidence of blood on the toilet tissue when wiping and quite possibly a few drops of blood in the water as well.

It's really important to establish if this blood is bright red or dark red in colour as the darker the blood means the further up the bowel it's originated from. If it's dark then rule of thumb is to get it checked out with your medical practitioner in order to eliminate any abnormalities in the bowel itself. If however the blood is bright red then this would indicate that the chances are you have a hemorrhoid that has ruptured and has released the trapped blood inside it.

It's one of the most alarming experiences that anyone can experience and your mind runs riot thinking of the worst, but let's put things into a little more perspective for you. Most of us have internal hemorrhoids. Most of us have no problem with them and carry on normal every day life, blissfully unaware of their existence. The bleeding is caused by the internal hemorrhoid becoming inflamed and swollen, the delicate walls of the hemorrhoid can easily rupture causing the release of blood.

Hemorrhoids are basically veins that have become swollen and bulbous. This can be caused from a variety of reasons, diet being the main factor, people who live in less developed countries such as parts of Africa where their diet is based more on cereals and not meat and fast foods are generally not known to suffer from hemorrhoids.

Other reasons can be pregnancy, lifting heavy weights, sitting or standing for long periods of time and dehydration, causing the stools to become harder which in turn causes more strain to expel them.

Conventional medicines offer a variety of solutions ranging from suppositories through to banding (wrapping a rubber band round the hemorrhoids to starve it and shrink it) to the extreme method of surgery which entails high levels of after pain and a lengthy recovery time.

There are however alternative and far more pleasant ways to eliminate bleeding hemorrhoids and even some doctors are now recommending them to their hemorrhoid patients for a way of avoiding the surgeons knife. Contrary to beliefs, these piles remedies are hugely effective and sufferers have reported a practically instant relief and a total cure within 3 days of using them. If you are suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids or any other type of hemorrhoids then they are worth serious consideration.