Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hemorrhoids - Rid Yourself! 10 Proven Hemorrhoids Remedies!

Here's a helpful list of the top 10 hemorrhoid remedies that have been proven to help get rid of piles:

1) Horse Chestnut - has properties that help to increase blood flow and firm up the tissues in the surrounding areas. It's also a very powerful anti inflamatory so is good at soothing and calming the whole area.

It's not adviseable to use it if you have any problems with your liver and/or kidneys and definitely not if you're pregnant of breastfeeding.

2) To stop itching and painful hemorrhoids (is there any other type!) try mixing baptisia extract and lobelia equally with some zinc sulphate and water, and use it by soaking some cotton wool and cleaning the area with it.

3) A do-it-yourself version of preparation h can be made by mixing sulphur into a suspension of vaseline. It's a good pain relief - very soothing.

4) Pat the area with some cotton wool soaked in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti septic properties and is also good at naturally constricting the blood flow.

5) If your suffering with bleeding hemorrhoids then you can stop the bleeding by drinking a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal. You can also apply it neat to the area using cotton wool.

6) Doctors can offer thermotherapy - this is very good for shrinking the hemorrhoids.

7) Another solution that can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids is a spoonful of alum mixed with water.

8) If you don't fancy drinking the apple cider vinegar tincture then you could try doing the same but using cayenne pepper instead for the same result.

9) Echinacea, directly applied is an effective remedy to relieve itching and pain.

10) Mix equal quantities of lard and calomel and use directly as a cream.

These should relief the symptoms of your hemorrhoids but in order to be free of them for good then a far more in depth program needs to be done.

To find out more about hemorrhoids visit

Hemorrhoids Rid

Sunday 20 September 2009

Piles Relief - What's The Answer?

Hemorrhoids, now and again names piles, can frequently be a agonizing state, and unfortunately, also a rather familiar one that affects both men and women. Hemorrhoids are in reality swollen veins that have been expanded under stress and might build up due to weakened tissue close by the anus and rectum.

Once you experience from this agonizing situation, you are more apt to search for any kinds of information which will help you find out how to come to grips with hemorrhoids and get fast reprieve. Now you will find a few beneficial things that you can do when you search for the reprieve of such sore conditions as hemorrhoids:

- To begin with check with your doctor for information about hemorrhoids and for their recommendations as they are informed of your health history and could have extra care options you aren’t aware of.

- Do some research and gain knowledge of what could trigger or even increase the condition of piles. Some people have recurring problems with piles. You need to be aware of what you can do to inhibit the return of hemorrhoids.

- Resist the familiar desire of overusing topical hemorrhoid creams as while they do greatly help to reduce symptoms, too much tends to aggravate the condition resulting in even further discomfort, and none of these creams are capable of really treating the origin of the trouble.

- To prevent piles from blood loss, tenderly wash the area with apple cider vinegar, and for respite from itching, smarting, and distress, check out witch hazel or a mix of petroleum jelly and sulfur applied with cotton swabs or alcohol-free, scent-free infant wipes.

- Horse chestnut is helpful as an herbal extra, since it improves blood flow, that will help toughen the connecting tissues surrounding a damaged vein that can become a hemorrhoid. It will also help in reducing the redness and inflammation of piles.

- Avoid the distress and pain of hemorrhoids by keeping the area clean. However, take care not to inflame the area by over washing and do not use powerful soaps. Rinsing the region well and scrupulously is advantageous as well.

- Incorporate a day by day exercise workout, to help increase your overall good health, whilst avoiding the sitting upon any hard surface for a extensive time.

- You could retain softer stools while drinking a lot of water every day. Don't forget to incorporate fiber-rich foods into your daily plan, such as a load of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

One of the very most vital things you may do to improve yourself when it comes to coping with hemorrhoids is to rest and aim not to stress or be concerned about having them. Hemorrhoids are regularly connected with the elderly or with expectant women, but the reality is that anybody can be affected by them at any time, and having them is without doubt nothing to be self-conscious about.

Piles could be incredibly painful and they can be upsetting as well; however, you are not on your own in this struggle to feel well again. They are a interim setback and they could go away on their own. With just a tiny effort on your side, you can never have to handle piles for a second time. They are not a dangerous health hazard even though they may feel like they are help is available.

Find out more about PILES RELIEF Now